Dunn Peas / Wheat / Tritacale /Mung Beans / Groats / Sunflower Seed /
Aftricana / Poppy Seed / Lentils / Clover Seed & Chia seed.
Highly nutricious protein mix.There will be settlement in the bag of the smaller seeds (during transit etc). Please remember to shake the bag (upside down), just to get an even portion for soaking.
Best served when shoots appear as seed nutrition gets lower, as shoots get longer.
Rinse before putting in the jar.
Using Ion Tonic to the water or Sanichick.
Soak over night in the jar or container.Remember that the seed will swell, make up enough per day to keep fresh.
Soaking during the day - use the black out covers over the jars to help the seed germinating process.
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